Forward in time
What does the future of salmon look like in light of climate change and human consumption of nature?
The salmon have started using their habitat as the ice has retreated. In the south, there are more people, more densely populated areas and greater exploitation of water and land than in the north. The price for this is fewer rivers with salmon and fewer salmon in the rivers. Salmon are now threatened throughout their entire habitat in Europe and North America.
The climate change we are experiencing will reinforce this picture. The salmon's habitat will be pushed even further north, and there will be even fewer rivers with salmon and fewer salmon.
But salmon have shown the ability to survive and adapt. This counteracts such a development. The speed of change will determine whether salmon are able to adapt.
The picture will change if we manage to counteract climate change, if we manage to take better care of the salmon stocks we have, and if we implement measures that can strengthen them. This requires that we understand the situation and are able to see things in context.
Norway still has more than 400 salmon rivers. This is a good basis for preserving salmon. Is Norway the salmon's last hope?
The future
What wild salmon need in the future are inspiring teachers, skilled researchers, wise politicians and, not least, citizens who make informed choices by exercising their right to vote.
You are helping to determine the future of wild salmon!