Privacy statement

1. About the National Wildlife Center

Eier av denne nettsiden er: Nasjonalt Villakssenter, Øyraplassen 7, 6887 Lærdal. Tlf: xxx. E-post: Vårt org. nr er: NO 924 031 956

2. The purpose of our processing of personal data

In connection with customer relationships, we need to collect information such as name, address, email and telephone number. We use this information exclusively to manage your customer relationship. We retain this information for as long as we have a customer relationship. You have the right to access, correct and delete data we have stored about you. After the end of the customer relationship, we will retain data for as long as we consider it appropriate in order to help you with any history if you should need it.

3. Disclosure of personal data to third parties

Personal data will not be disclosed unless there is a statutory duty of disclosure to public authorities.

4. Customer register

Our customer register contains information such as company name/address and information about contact persons at the customer where we register name, email and telephone. In addition, we have information about which services and products the customer has purchased. This information is stored in our system for as long as it is useful to us. If you want to get an overview of what we have stored and possibly be deleted from our customer system, see the chapter on deletion.

5. Cookies uses cookies on its website. By using our website, you agree that we can set these in your browser. Cookies are standard Internet technology that most websites use. We use this knowledge to offer you a better customer experience the next time you visit our website. Most browsers, such as Opera, Edge, Firefox, Safari etc, are set to accept cookies automatically. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you must change the settings in your browser. Please note that this setting may result in many websites not functioning optimally.

6. Use of cookies on this website

Eggs: Squarespace/Google Analytics Purpose: To collect information about how visitors use the website. We use this information to create reports to improve the website. The cookies anonymize all information. They give us information about the number of visitors to the website, where they come from and which pages they visit, etc.

Eggs: YouTube Purpose: Creates statistics on views and viewing data on videos on the site.

7. Contact form

When you fill in the contact form on the website, we store this information in our CRM system. We will store this information in order to provide better customer service. We strive not to keep your details longer than necessary. If you wish to be deleted, see the chapter on Access, correction and deletion of personal data below.

8. Sharing

It is possible to share articles on the website in social media (Facebook, Twitter). Further handling of data shared in social media is regulated by your agreement with the relevant social media community.

9. Access, correction and deletion of personal data

Etter personopplysningsloven § 18 har du som privatperson krav på innsyn i de opplysninger som er registrert om deg. Innsyn kan du få ved å hendvende deg til Nasjonalt Villakssenter på e-post: Dersom registrerte opplysninger er uriktige, ufullstendige eller du ønsker å slette dine opplysninger, kan du kreve dette i henhold til personopplysningsloven § 27.

10. Responsible data processor

The CEO of the Norwegian Wildlife Center is responsible for the processing of personal data. He or she is responsible for ensuring that internal controls are implemented with regard to the processing of personal data, and that any deviations from applicable legislation are reported and corrected. We strive to comply with applicable privacy regulations at all times.

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