Salmon - shared heritage and shared responsibility
Salmon - shared heritage and shared responsibility
Salmon - shared heritage and shared responsibility
Our amazing wild salmon!
Salmon have lived on earth for millions of years, but man's use of salmon and nature has meant that there is not much wild salmon left in our rivers. If the salmon are to be with us in the future, everyone must know and care about the salmon.
We work to spread knowledge and create engagement for salmon. It is our common heritage and our shared responsibility.
Use our website to learn more.
In addition, you can visit us at Lyngdal, Lærdal, Namsos and Tana.
Latest news
We have finished the exhibitions in Lærdal and invite you to the official opening, combined with a professional seminar with exciting presentations about wild salmon. Open to all.
The National Wild Salmon Center in Lærdal , in collaboration with Øyraplassen 14 AS, invites you to a Spawning Festival to create awareness of the salmon.
Nature guides from our departments in Lyngdal, Lærdal, Namsos and Tana gather to exchange experiences. November 7-9.
Wobblers, salmon flies and net casting - October 24 and 25.
Join the meeting of the Namdal salmon council and the salmon committee for Namsenvassdraget on October 18. The program will include humpback salmon and experiences from the season in Finnmark.
Here you'll find adapted educational programs for children and young people - for free!
Try a slightly unusual salmon quiz.
Paul Eric Aspholm from NIBIO visits the Nationalt villkassenter in Tana
Opening of the Nationalt villkassenter's branch in Tana
At Kulturmarntan in Namsos , the smithy was transformed into a "wild salmon house". The stand was well visited by young and old.