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"Deltakelse i forskning på Tanavassdraget" - Informasjonsmøte Karasjok

  • The National Wildlife Center Foundation 7 Øyraplassen Lærdal, Vestland, 6887 Norway (map)

Photo: Camilla Brattland UiT, project manager for "Sharing our knowledge"

På vegne av flere forskningsprosjekter inviterer Nasjonalt villakssenter til deltagelse i forskningsprosjekter som skal forske på Tanavassdraget.

Informasjonsmøte i Karasjok mandag 14. oktober kl. 18:00 på Scandic Karasjok Hotel


Joddu is engaged by UiT to coordinate contact between local communities along the Tanavassdraget and several research institutions that want to conduct research on topics that particularly involve local and traditional knowledge of the Tanavassdraget, in different ways and levels of research on the Tanavassdraget.

 At the information meeting you will get more info about :

1. The RecoSal research project, led by LUKE and involving NINA and UiT together with Umeå University, aims to bring together bearers of local, traditional and scientific knowledge and rights holders to plan together what can be done to protect and rebuild salmon stocks and salmon fishing culture along the Tana River and its tributaries.

2. The newly launched project "Sharing our knowledge", in which UiT is part of an international project focusing on climate risk in watercourses that are the basis of indigenous culture, is collaborating with DeanuInstituhtta and Joddu to identify the need for knowledge about climate risk.

Vi vet at innbyggerne langs vassdraget har verdifull kunnskap og innsikt, ønsker derfor å invitere dem til å delta i disse forskningsprosjektene. Vi inviterer derfor til et uforpliktende informasjonsmøte på Scandic Hotel Karasjok mandag 14. oktober

Everyone is welcome!

Previous event: October 2
Invitation to public meeting Tana bru
Later event: October 25.
Spawning festival in Lærdal