Kvåsfossen Lyngdal

Nature guidance for schools and kindergartens.

Kvåsfossen Lyngdal tilbyr pedagogiske opplegg som bygger på relevante kompetansemål fra LK20 eller rammeplanen for barnehagen. Vi skreddersyr et opplegg på 1–4 timer til din gruppe. Villaksen er alltid utgangspunktet for våre opplegg, men temaene kan variere.

youth and man exploring water in a canister

Suggestions for different themes:

> biodiversity and the ecosystem in and around the river

> a day by the river

> City landscaping

> acidification and liming

> salmon's senses

Vi har fokus på aktiv deltakelse fra elevene, alderstilpasset opplegg, mestring og nye opplevelser. I Kvåsfossen Lyngdal tar vi dessuten selvsagt en tur ned i laksetrappa!

Both inside and outside the center, there are many nice places to enjoy your packed lunch, or we're happy to light a fire. We can also visit you where you are - either in your classroom or kindergarten, or by a stream in the local area.

Nature guidance is free for primary schools. By prior arrangement, we can help to cover the cost of shadowing. For kindergartens / secondary schools / folk high schools, guidance costs NOK 50 per child/student. There is no charge if the advisor comes to you.

Contact us

Please use the contact form below, or contact advisor Gaute Melhus Johannessen: gaute@villakssenter.no.


You can find us here:


Opening hours

I juni, juli og august er senteret åpent hver dag kl. 10.00 - 16.00.


12.00 noon: Children's activity
at 13.00: Guiding for the whole family

Applies to June, July and August.